Recent Content by pvocc21

  1. pvocc21

    Sudden Behavior Change & Copping with Cat Pancreatitis

    Sorry this site didn't do a good job notifying me there was a reply. Alot has happened sense then. We unfortunately, had to put our little kitty down. :( The issue wasn't Pancreatitis after all, further testing, they discovered she had a mass, and it was cancerous. It definitely was a rough week...
  2. pvocc21

    Sudden Behavior Change & Copping with Cat Pancreatitis

    Yeah i've wondered the same thing. which i'm wondering if anything i'm giving her is helping or not. She currently on Cerenia Tabs, which the bottle says prevents acute vomiting, but she hasn't vomit at all, but the vet still suggested this for whatever reason. Maybe it's just an inaccurate or...
  3. pvocc21

    Sudden Behavior Change & Copping with Cat Pancreatitis

    So, my cat about 11 years old, I want out of town for Christmas this past holiday, and literally came home to an entirely different cat. She was completely aggressive, hissing at everybody, peeing and popping even at mere attempt of just getting close to her, sometimes as bad as just the mere...