Recent Content by PumpkinsMum

  1. PumpkinsMum

    Neutering A Cat With Brain Damage

    I don't have any advice, but just wanted to drop by and say good luck and I hope the full exam helps you get some answers. Poor kitty :/ You are a good mom doing the best for him.
  2. PumpkinsMum

    Cat Sneezes At Catnip

    Rats! Sounds like maybe your cat just doesn't like it? You could try it again another time, but it's not that uncommon for cats to not like it. Which is a bummer, because there's nothing cuter than cats on catnip haha.
  3. PumpkinsMum

    Cat Sneezes At Catnip

    I read that only 70-80% of cats "react" to catnip (like, get high/drunk/happy) haha. But, your cat might just be too young. Usually they have to reach sexual maturity before they'll react to it (if they will at all). Maybe try again in a month or two :) Also, was it dried? Try fresh catnip, or...
  4. PumpkinsMum

    Cat Ate Laundry Bag Cord - Help!

    Oh no! I'm super sorry about that :( My cat is always getting into things and I'm surprised he hasn't been in the hospital more often. You're in our thoughts! Let us know what happens.
  5. PumpkinsMum

    Introducing Pumpkin :) (and Natalie, His Mum)

    This is my cat Pumpkin. He's 10 years old this October -- can't believe how time has flown by. I love this crazy guy, but he's having a hard time transitioning to being an indoor-only cat after a move. Poor guy! We got him a cat tree and some new toys and hopefully he will adjust with time.
  6. PumpkinsMum

    Cat Panting After Playing Sessions - Is It Ok?

    Pumpkin has always been a "go crazy and then stop suddenly" cat when it comes to play time haha (I think he just has a short attention span!). It's great of you to make dedicated time each day for playing with your cat and you should totally keep doing it. Lots of cats are overweight because...