Recent Content by preciousmama

  1. preciousmama

    My precious

    There's that one and just one more and her eyes aren't open at all. There's no discharge or swelling
  2. preciousmama

    My precious

    It only let me upload this one pic 128533
  3. My precious

    My precious

  4. 1463507252842-474262945.jpg


  5. preciousmama

    My precious

    Their ears are up and they are trying to walk but wobbly still
  6. preciousmama

    My precious

    Should I be worried that some kittens don't have both eyes open yet?
  7. preciousmama

    My precious

    Awww she brought a kitten and set him on my chest!
  8. preciousmama

    My precious

    Ok thanks a bunch!
  9. preciousmama

    My precious

    There are five. She hasn't been up to check on the others in a couple hours. She just tried to lay on top of the one she has downstairs. This baby looks very healthy and is now sleeping on my chest
  10. preciousmama

    My precious

    My sweet cats babies will be three weeks tomorrow. When I got up this morning I noticed she brought one kitten downstairs and left the rest upstairs. She's feeding this kitten so I don't think she's rejecting it. I just don't know why she only brought one down!? Any advice?
  11. preciousmama

    My precious

    Yeah I believe she is! How long does the first stage take?
  12. preciousmama

    My precious

    Yes she lost her plug this morning. She's in her box now and won't let me leave her side
  13. preciousmama

    My precious

    Hi I think my cat is going into labor! Now she's sitting on my chest cleaning herself and licking my face too! She won't stop icking me lol is this a sign she's in labor?
  14. preciousmama

    My precious

    Thank u so much! She does like to be rubbed now more than ever!