Recent Content by pouncymom

  1. pouncymom

    Feline Chylothorax

    Also, if you are giving several medicines to a cat, that can be stressful to both of you. I buy NOW V caps size O from Amazon and either crush or put the pills in whole into the capsule and seal it. I put all 3 of Pouncy's meds into one gel capsule so I only have to pill him once, not 3 times.
  2. pouncymom

    Feline Chylothorax

    My cat Pouncival survived chylothorax. He was basically pronounced dead twice. The fluid that develops in the lungs is from fat in the digestive system. My vet put Pouncy on a low fat diet (Purina OM). She also started him on prednisolone 5mg and theophylline which was compounded for me at a...
  3. pouncymom

    Feline Chylothorax

    I have a cat diagnosed with chylothorax. The vet put him on a very low fat diet. He has asthma as well, and is on prednisone and a bronchial dilator as well as minocycline which helps with inflammation. He has never been on rutin. He has done very well on the low fat diet with the drug protocol...
  4. pouncymom

    Feline Chylothorax

    Hi Brooklyndonut! I try not to let Pouncy's fat per serving not to go above 8% for dry food. For wet food, I give him Fancy Feast Broths, which are really low fat. Like .05%. I never used the rutin as the RX diet seemed to work so quickly. It is a strange affliction for cats but I think it can...
  5. pouncymom

    Feline Chylothorax

    I have a cat with chylothorax (among other things). I was told by specialists after a thorough exam to take him home and make him comfortable that there was nothing to be done. My regular vet told me that since that was the case let's try a very low fat diet and see if that helped. Bear in mind...
  6. pouncymom

    Feline Chylothorax

    Everyone, I am also reading that many of you are blaming the vet or anesthesia. Chylothorax has no known cause. You most likely will never find out why your cat gets it. Please research this on google. It is like cancer. No body's fault. It happens. Try the low fat diet, try Rutin. If you are...
  7. pouncymom

    Feline Chylothorax

    I have a cat named Pouncival diagnosed with Chylothorax. Vet sent us to specialist, prognosis poor, not much could be done, and no one thought he would make it to his 4th birthday in September. He also has asthma. Not a good combo. My regular vet suggested a low fat diet (Purina OM) so we went...