Recent Content by poetry

  1. poetry

    Pretty Big Flea Problem

    i didn't get any guarantee from the pest control company (granted it was the one my apartment complex provided, so my expectations weren't too high to begin with...) but it was cheap so i think i'd be willing to do it again. and okay! i think i'll call my vet to double check and make sure but...
  2. poetry

    Pretty Big Flea Problem

    hmm okay! i was thinking about calling the exterminator back at the end of the week, i think i'm definitely gonna do it now. thank you for the tip! i'm not too worried about having to move the cats around, we've been keeping them confined to the bathrooms since we don't really know how many...
  3. poetry

    Pretty Big Flea Problem

    hi! i'm new here and didn't really know where else to look for help in this, and i don't really know what to do. so, background: for about two weeks now my roommate's cat has had these weird bumps on his neck, we never thought much about it, and when we checked we only saw scabs so we assumed...