Recent Content by pixelkitty

  1. P

    Possible URI? At home treatment?

    Thank you so very much for the advice. I never would have thought to use saline drops. I have to go to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription anyways so I'll get a bottle of those for her. In the meantime I've given her a steam bath already, and she's definitely worlds better in the breathing...
  2. P

    Possible URI? At home treatment?

    My seven month old kitten is really congested. Like so much so that she is "snarfing" whenever she drinks water and makes sounds like she's slurping snot while breathing, with some bubbly sounds mixed in while purring. Combined with wheezing, coughing, and sneezing rather often (but no nose or...
  3. P

    2 week old kitten help please

    I would suggest keeping an eye on him. Kittens can commonly get milk in their nasal passages while eating, which is not usually a problem. However, they can very rarely get the liquid into their lungs (especially when bottle or syringe feeding) which can cause serious issues like pneumonia. Just...
  4. P

    2 week old kitten help please

    When you're feeding him, have you been extra careful that he hasn't been getting his formula/food down his windpipe? It sounds to me like he might have aspirated his formula...
  5. P

    What's the last thing you ate - 2015

    Ham and cheese sandwich for lunch.
  6. P

    Kitten lost his whiskers?

    It's entirely possible that in rough play (most likely with his siblings) that they got chewed off. I've seen it happen from time to time in past litters. They should grow back no problem, but I'd still keep an eye on him so he doesn't get stuck somewhere he can't fit - cats use their whiskers...
  7. P

    What's for dinner? - 2015

    Beef stroganoff with a small salad on the side and possibly pudding for dessert if I have enough energy after dinner.
  8. P

    Your kittens favorite toys?

    It's really weird, but my kitten absolutely adores cardboard rings cut off of a paper towel tube. She'll fling them around or carry them off to her bed where she hoards them. I of course keep an eye on her so she doesn't eat the cardboard, but for now she seems to be enjoying herself.
  9. P

    Lysine Cat Chews - Safe for kittens?

    Sorry for making a new thread about this, but I didn't see a recently active thread regarding lysine for cats and I'd hate to necropost.  My 15 week old kitten recently came down with an URI. She's been taken to the vet, had her checkup and is being given 0.4mL of Azithromycin a day to help...
  10. P

    Room for one more?

    Thank you so much! Everyone she's come in contact with thinks so too. It's great since she's such a loving kitten overall.
  11. P

    What's for dinner? - 2015

    Shells and cheese. Tonight was a bit of a cop out when it came to dinner since I felt lazy after an afternoon of running errands.
  12. P

    I'm excited for Halloween!

    Oh, wow! I never thought I'd see classic Inspector Gadget as a Halloween costume in this day and age. Definitely a nostalgia bomb.
  13. Room for one more?

    Room for one more?

  14. P

    Room for one more?

    Hi everyone! I just recently adopted a kitten from my local Humane Society, and rather than drive my significant other up the wall by talking about cat stuff with him constantly (he's more of a dog person, so really his patience with me thus far has been amazing), so I figured I'd join a...
  15. r334.png

