Recent Content by pingping

  1. pingping

    Help! - Increasing Frequency of Aggression from Siamese

    Great ideas, I'll try them out, thank you danteshuman~
  2. pingping

    Help! - Increasing Frequency of Aggression from Siamese

    Yes your analysis makes total sense, thank you so much! I knew our moving was stressing him out, especially on route which is when he is most vocal (he usually meows the entire car ride, often letting out long wails) but I couldn't solve the root of the problem (i.e. stop moving around weekly)...
  3. pingping

    Help! - Increasing Frequency of Aggression from Siamese

    A kitty version of a ball pit, what a great idea! You know we used to have a lot of cardboard boxes around from online shopping, and Juju loved to tear and rip them apart, but during the pandemic when parcels were sprayed with a ton of disinfectants, after reading the dangers to cats, I got into...
  4. pingping

    Help! - Increasing Frequency of Aggression from Siamese

    Hi Kwik! Sorry for the confusion, and yes I do realize now that the regular moving we do is likely a major source of stress for Juju. We rotate between an apartment in the city during workdays and a house in the countryside on weekends and holidays. The reason for this back and forth is to...
  5. pingping

    Help! - Increasing Frequency of Aggression from Siamese

    teeth and claws all out
  6. pingping

    Help! - Increasing Frequency of Aggression from Siamese

    Super on point! (sorry for the very late response) I really do wish I had gotten him earlier so maybe he would've been socialized better, though I'm not confident I could've done a better job - honestly wasn't mentally expecting/prepared for such a high energy cat. Thank you for the advice...
  7. pingping

    Help! - Increasing Frequency of Aggression from Siamese

    Correction: sorry I just received the digital report of his exam and I remembered wrong: other than cholesterol, his ALT and amylase levels are slightly higher than normal, we didn't test for CK (according to our vet, higher ALT may indicate cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle, or liver cell damage...
  8. pingping

    Help! - Increasing Frequency of Aggression from Siamese

    Thank you all for sharing your experiences and giving such great recommendations! I've taken Juju to the vet for a full body exam and we found that he's a little high on cholesterol in his blood exams as well as this other compound called CK that the vet explained would be higher when there is...
  9. pingping

    Help! - Increasing Frequency of Aggression from Siamese

    Thank you for sharing! I didn’t do my research on Siamese before getting Juju and I realize now that I was completely not prepared for a kitty with such a strong personality (he stayed shy and meek for quite some time in the beginning). On a side note may I ask - how do you manage to catch them...
  10. pingping

    Help! - Increasing Frequency of Aggression from Siamese

    Yes I’ve also thought of getting a cat wheel before! We have the space for it, I was just worried that he wouldn’t use it, having had plenty of shopping failures due to his pickiness (sigh) but I’m desperate now and am seriously reconsidering
  11. pingping

    Help! - Increasing Frequency of Aggression from Siamese

    Thanks for sharing! Our boys are pretty similar haha. I screamed really high pitched and loud today when he pounced at me, and he stopped right in his tracks. It’ll definitely take more to put a stop to this, but I think I’m on the right track now with all your advices. Juju does behave much...
  12. pingping

    Help! - Increasing Frequency of Aggression from Siamese

    Thank you so much! Juju harming my sister less but harming me and my aunt more - I’ve never thought of the two as being consequential, but it makes a lot of sense. I’ll be asking my sister to reflect on herself, and I’ve also been self-reflecting - I think I’ve been providing Juju with the same...
  13. pingping

    Help! - Increasing Frequency of Aggression from Siamese

    Yes sorry I didn't mean to equate your suggestion with punishment. I also don't think my sister's actions are that bad either, and she really is still on good terms with Juju! Here's a recent pic of Juju cuddling with her.
  14. pingping

    Help! - Increasing Frequency of Aggression from Siamese

    Thanks for the suggestion Kflowers! I've just booked a vet appointment. He looks pretty healthy - clear eyes, good shine on coat, eating fine and pooping fine, but yes definitely best to rule out any possibilities. Regarding my sister, Juju's not as close to her as to me or my aunt, but...
  15. pingping

    Help! - Increasing Frequency of Aggression from Siamese

    Thanks for all the ideas Alldara! Juju really likes to kick bathroom mats and has destroyed a couple already, he also has plenty of toys and scratching posts - our home definitely has enough cat furniture for more than one cat, and I've been seriously considering adopting another to keep him...