Recent Content by philovance

  1. philovance

    My cat Monte just got his blood work back - kidney values are a bit high

    I couldn't see a way to edit my original post, weird but I wanted to add that although you may be encouraged to put Monte on canned food exclusively, I personally believe a combination of dry and wet K/D is better for his numbers than more OTC canned. As time goes on maybe you can shift the...
  2. philovance

    My cat Monte just got his blood work back - kidney values are a bit high

    Well, although there may be alternatives to K/D (as another poster helpfully pointed out), my first goal would be to get the cat's numbers down and K/D would be one of the fastest ways to do that. It's very encouraging to hear that Monte is enjoying his new food; in the past K/D had something of...
  3. philovance

    My cat Monte just got his blood work back - kidney values are a bit high

    I have relied extensively on Tanya's website for my CRF cats, especially the table that lists the phosphorus values for most foods. While my first post emphasized the Rx foods, the reality is that the cat I kept going for over a year ate both Royal Canin modified protein dry (because he...
  4. philovance

    My cat Monte just got his blood work back - kidney values are a bit high

    It is impossible to restore diminished kidney function but a diet lower in phosphorus than most over the counter foods provide is the most important thing you can do to slow the disease. No commercial diet will provide as low a phosphorus level as the "prescription" foods. In fact, the "better"...
  5. philovance

    Diet Dry Food Advice

    I adopted a young cat whose previous owners had allowed him to balloon from 9 lbs to 13 lbs when they returned him to the shelter, probably from free feeding dry food. Although I believe in feeding as much wet food as possible, for reasons of economy and convenience it isn't always possible to...
  6. philovance

    Need some help selecting an insurance plan!

    I've had both Embrace and Petplan, as well as Quickcare/Sheltercare. I've been most satisfied with Petplan. It's one of the few that pays 100% after the deductible is met and with prices being what they are in New York I'd never get my money's worth from a wellness option. Petplan is very good...