Recent Content by PEjon82

  1. PEjon82

    Ongoing Saga

    After a urinary blockage 2 months ago and dental procedure 2 weeks ago my cat is now going into litter box to pee frequently. He is not blocked. I took him to vet yesterday and his bladder was empty. They need a urine sample but it’s been tough getting one. He licks himself immediately after...
  2. PEjon82

    Tuna Only Eater

    Good day, everyone. My cat has been through a urinary blockage and dental cleaning & extraction in the last 2 months. His blockage issues are gone and his teeth are healing nicely (had them worked on a week ago). However, the picky little butthead is only eating tuna and refuses anything else...
  3. PEjon82

    Prazosin - Urinary Blockage

    Prazosin. How many days should this medicine be administered for recovery from urinary blockage? One vet said 5 days, another said until its gone. ‍♂️
  4. PEjon82

    Urinary Tract Obstruction

    They gave me both. He does not like the wet so I mix in two teaspoons of water with the dry.
  5. PEjon82

    Urinary Tract Obstruction

    Hi, everyone. My 10 year old male cat had a urinary blockage two weeks ago (memorial day). He stayed at vet for two days and came home. He was put on pain med and prazosin for urethra. After the duration of meds was over, he was doing quite well. Then, this last Friday, he started peeing in...