Recent Content by PawsClawsnWhiskertails

  1. PawsClawsnWhiskertails

    Cat On Cat Aggression

    I had no idea on the harp music! May have to try this myself with 2 of the cats who are having issues with one another. :)
  2. PawsClawsnWhiskertails

    Free Feeding Transition For Multicat Household

    Yes, they all will be weighed :)
  3. PawsClawsnWhiskertails

    Free Feeding Transition For Multicat Household

    I am glad you mentioned the dry and kidney cat BECAUSE the vet is the one who put him on Hill's prescription c/d PLUS the wet formula. And this is after I almost lost the cat due to a medication mistake (different vet) that almost shut his kidneys down and who has suffered boughts of FLUTD/FIC...
  4. PawsClawsnWhiskertails

    Free Feeding Transition For Multicat Household

    That is a possible scenario, I am just wondering how many times a day is going to show a loss of weight for the hefties :)
  5. PawsClawsnWhiskertails

    Free Feeding Transition For Multicat Household

    I currently have 12 street rescues, all different ages, males, females, some related, some not. Over the course of a year I have seen normally thin or okay weight cats get plumper and I have always free fed kibble, with wet food given every morning. Now we have a kidney patient who is own his...