Recent Content by PawprintsOnMyHeart

  1. PawprintsOnMyHeart

    Non recognition aggression

    Any time my boy cat goes to the vet for anywhere from an hour to a 5-night stay, my girl cat will, without fail, hiss and run from him for a day or more (after the 5-night visit, I was worried they'd never be friends again because it went on so long, maybe a week or more). I kept petting him...
  2. PawprintsOnMyHeart

    Cat stressed out by neighbor’s dogs. How can I help him calm down/be less stressed?

    First off, my cat, Jasper, most likely has feline herpes... After encountering a dog in December, he began sneezing up to 100 times in one day and was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection. His vet said it was likely that it was caused by feline herpes but he hasn’t been officially...
  3. PawprintsOnMyHeart

    Cat Peeling Paint Off Door

    @ArtNJ I have one cat who has a scratching compliance problem but I don’t suspect that he is the culprit (though I’m not sure.) I definitely feel you on the sacrifices and prayer, I’m pretty sure he’s possessed by an ancient demon and immune to anything I try though. They have 6 different posts...
  4. PawprintsOnMyHeart

    Cat Peeling Paint Off Door

    My cat is always trying to get into the laundry closet. Yesterday, the first picture happened. Today I woke up to find the second picture. How can I stop this from getting any worse? They do it when I am sleeping so that I can’t stop them. It’s like they are literally peeling the paint off the...
  5. PawprintsOnMyHeart

    Cat Suddenly Sneezing A Lot

    One is younger, around 8 mo., and the other is 14. :ohwell: It's been 8 hours since he got the fluids and he hasn't drunk from his water bowl yet... I am hoping this is because of the fluids... apparently it can take up to 24 hours for his body to fully absorb it, so maybe he simply doesn't...
  6. PawprintsOnMyHeart

    Cat Suddenly Sneezing A Lot

    His eyes looked pretty bad today so I took him to an emergency clinic. After a 3 hour wait, we learned he has a low fever (103.1 degrees F) and the vet said she thinks he’s suffering from a URI. They gave him fluids and said to continue the eye drops in both eyes, twice daily. They also said to...
  7. PawprintsOnMyHeart

    Cat Suddenly Sneezing A Lot

    He is about 1.5 years old. The vet said to give him Tobramycin. No tests were run. I took him home and his sneezing seems to be better (so far.) Its been an hour and at first I thought he was a lot better here; he seemed alert and more like his normal self. But his right eye just seems to be...
  8. PawprintsOnMyHeart

    Cat Suddenly Sneezing A Lot

    His sneezing has improved but now his eye is acting up. His right third eyelid is visible and he is having some clear discharge from it. Vet said to give him medicine for conjunctivitis, but can’t tell me what they think he is suffering from. I’m considering taking him to a different vet but I...
  9. PawprintsOnMyHeart

    Cat Suddenly Sneezing A Lot

    I’ll try to get him some medicine. All the vet gave was a probiotic to boost his immune system. I just don’t know what it could be because nothing new has been introduced to the house and he has stayed here for months at a time this past year with no issues. Absolutely nothing has changed and...
  10. PawprintsOnMyHeart

    Cat Suddenly Sneezing A Lot

    I took him to a vet. He didn’t sneeze the entire trip there or back (over an hour.) Vet didn’t have any answers. When we got back, he sniffed a pillow from outside and immediately went into a 12-sneeze fit. We vacuumed the entire house to see if that helped and didn’t let him onto the porch. He...
  11. PawprintsOnMyHeart

    Cat Suddenly Sneezing A Lot

    My cat doesn’t normally sneeze, but we are staying in a different house this past week and he has been sneezing pretty frequently. I counted 5 sneezes Dec. 23, 3 sneezes Dec. 24, 8 sneezes Dec. 25, and 13 sneezes so far today. Why is he suddenly sneezing so much? The last time I heard him sneeze...
  12. PawprintsOnMyHeart

    Bloody Eye Discharge?

    As far as the feline herpes goes, this vet visit was the second opinion. The first vet we took her to a month ago treated her for conjunctivitis and said this was possibly a case of feline herpes but that she wasn't sure. She was a young vet, so this time I went to an older vet to see what he...
  13. PawprintsOnMyHeart

    Bloody Eye Discharge?

    I guess what I’m asking is, does this sound like an accurate diagnosis to you guys? @Srwheeler @neely @white shadow @Azazel
  14. PawprintsOnMyHeart

    Bloody Eye Discharge?

    Yesterday morning she had some dark/red discharge from her left eye too, though this one was hard and not wet like the other. I took her to the vet yesterday and he said he didn’t see any signs of conjunctivitis or infection, but that there was a small scab on the inner corner of her right eye...
  15. PawprintsOnMyHeart

    Bloody Eye Discharge?

    No, she is not squinting now. Should I take her to the vet asap or wait to see if she has more bloody discharge tomorrow?