Panther’s Mom

I had a diabetic cat who lived 14-1/2 yrs, 3 yrs a sugarkitty. She went to the Rainbow Bridge 10/10/15 dxd with squamous cell carcinoma under her tongue. I now have Peaches-gray dsh 5 yrs, Elly-gray striped tabby, 4 yrs, & my latest, Panther-all Black, 1 yr. I’m married & have an adult daughter & adult son.

I’m a member of Feline Diabetes, Diabetic Cats in Need, Fur Angel Blessing Blanketeers, & Support Group of Parents with Pets with Cancer. I also participate in our local pet community, which posts lost, stolen, or injured animals & our local humane society.
Northeastern Pa, Pike co.
Interests (Hobbies, favorite activities, etc.)
Gardening, camping, cats
School bus driver