Recent Content by P-chan96

  1. P

    Kitten playing in my bed at night

    Thanks for the reassurance. I guess the main thing I'm learning from cats is that they are very persistent. 🙄😅 He is the youngest one and is the biggest PITA, but you live and you learn. I've also bought kicker toys, but my cats don't seem to care for them. They mostly like those little toys...
  2. P

    Kitten playing in my bed at night

    Hello! So I have this kitten, he's about 8 months, and he has this habit of playing with a water bottle cap in my bed at night. My bed is basically a futon mattress on the floor because its easier for my toddler to get on and off so its like i dont expect him not to play but he gets too...
  3. P

    Feral kitties problems

    Kitties are over 8 weeks and thriving! Mom is fixed Turned out to be an eye issue, not respiratory! Terramycin did the trick. All have their first round of shots and will be getting their last deworming this coming up weekend. These little ones are more cheeky than my first litter and it's so...
  4. P

    Feral kitties problems

    I already did 1 dose of deworming when I got them, I'll buy the advantage II asap. They want to be cuddled but I've just been afraid to because of the fleas. Friend is taking mom to be fixed. I actually picked them up out of state, but will be taking them to my vet back home when I get home...
  5. P

    Feral kitties problems

    Hello! I am fostering a new litter of kittens, these ones are 6 weeks as of today and are from an outdoor/feral cat. The first litter I fostered was with me from day 1 so having little older kittens from outside has given me a new set of problems that I'm not sure how to deal with. First off...
  6. P

    Reunited sibling does not play nice

    They are about 11 weeks right now. So he's been gone for about little less than 3 weeks. Is it a thing for the boys to become aggressive once they're introduced to that? Because now the orange brother keeps like getting crazy with my black cat (the other one is black as well) like I think he's...
  7. P

    Reunited sibling does not play nice

    Hi everyone, I raised a litter of 4 kittens, and let my sister take one at 8 weeks thinking it was fine but reading around I guess I should have waited a little longer. Well, I have him for the night because I am the one who takes him to his vet appointments and they have their booster tomorrow...
  8. P

    New foster to 4 newborn kittens

    What a wild 8 werks this has been for me. Thank you to everyone! Kittens are thriving and healthy and spunky and so much fun. Here are a few pics of them now, so crazy they were little wormies not too long ago
  9. P

    New foster to 4 newborn kittens

    They are all getting fixed, luckily the ones adopting the other 2 are my sisters so they will still be in the family. The litter I use right now is apparently made of grass, you mix with the arm and hammer litter as well? I saw that they have like a baking soda thing you can add to the litter...
  10. P

    New foster to 4 newborn kittens

    The litter im using is already a clumping one. They don't eat it. But I would rather add something to make it smell less than completely change it. I like that it is all natural and stuff. Would they act weird if it got changed cold turkey? I'm not keeping 2 of them and I don't know if they'll...
  11. P

    New foster to 4 newborn kittens

    When can I change their litter? The one I use rn is the Smart cat one and it's all natural and made of grass but it doesn't really absorb any smells. I'm afraid of the scented litter making them too curious and they eat it. I saw something where it's like a baking powder Deodorizer, but I...
  12. P

    New foster to 4 newborn kittens

    They are fully weaned already. I tried to give them a bottle and for days straight they kept fighting it and wouldn't nurse so I gave up trying to force them. Their energy levels are high. Lots of playing. I havent weighed them recently, I will later today. When I took them to the vet a few...
  13. P

    New foster to 4 newborn kittens

    Can someone like give me advice on how much and when to feed the kittens? They're going to be 7 weeks on Thursday and I've still been feeding them every like 5 hours but should I be? I feed them the mother and baby cat by royal canin and between the 4 of them, the dont even finish a can and a...
  14. P

    New foster to 4 newborn kittens

    Should I keep waking them up to feed at night? Or should they be sleeping through the night by now? They have been reluctant to bottle feed, and I feel bad wasting formula since they aren't eating it. It's so hit or miss. Sometimes they'll nurse a lot and I'll need to make more, but when I try...
  15. P

    New foster to 4 newborn kittens

    I find so many mixed things online. Some things say 4 weeks, but I based it off the kitten lady. I'm in no rush. I enjoy bottle feeding the last one so im savoring the moments!