Recent Content by NyokoJen

  1. NyokoJen

    Feral kitten socialization advice

    Thanks for the advice! He is making a lot of progress with this which is exciting! We had another breakthrough today where I got him to come to me with wet food (his favorite treat) and sit for a minute or two while I pet him (With food bribes lol). He then came back a second time on his own...
  2. NyokoJen

    Feral kitten socialization advice

    I have to get him one. Right now he stays mainly in my room which I don’t have things that I am worried about him climbing on, but a cat tree is on my list of things to get since I know that would help to give him something that is his to climb.
  3. NyokoJen

    Feral kitten socialization advice

    So I am running into an issue where he associates being pet only with food. If I pet or touch him with no food in site he runs, squirms and has started batting and threatening to bite. The other thing is, he is getting pushy around food. If he feels I am taking to long putting his food together...
  4. NyokoJen

    Feral kitten socialization advice

    Thank you for explaining that. It makes me feel a lot better that I am not doing this part wrong and that this is more a phase that with continued routine and petting he will eventually calm down and may seek the attention. I wanted to find out if I was missing something since all the videos I...
  5. NyokoJen

    Feral kitten socialization advice

    Hi I am working with a feral kitten to socialize him. My guess is he is around the 12 week mark. He has come a long way but still runs away as I walk around the room making it hard to get him further used to touch now that he is out in the room instead of in his socialization crate. I don’t want...