Recent Content by notdorothy

  1. notdorothy

    Shocking question

    Never mind, and pardon me....being a newbie I had just not looked around the site to see this question has been answered by others. So thank you all for being here, I will get the hang of this someday lol. 
  2. notdorothy

    Shocking question

    Good morning, this may seem like a strange question: I have had my stray/rescue for ten days now and we are making great progress. She still hides most of the time, until bedtime. About four days ago she started sleeping on the end of my bed (yay!)  and she plays with my feet under the blanket...
  3. notdorothy


    I have just adopted an 18 month old stray that someone took in when she got pregnant. The kittens were all adopted out and she has been spayed. I have had her one week and she is very shy and skittish, and all of the advice on here is so helpful. Thanks for being here! I know she will come...