Recent Content by nora

  1. N

    The cat, your bed and the bedroom

    I trained Max to sleep with me at night. I got him at 3 mo. old and every few moments had to get up and get him, bring him back to bed and push him down. This lasted for about 2 months (I was very sleep deprived). Now he is 8 years old and definately knows when I say "Bedtime" that it is time...
  2. N

    How to raise a happy, nice cat?

    I agree with those who said it is the personality of the cat. When I first saw Max at the shelter he was cuddling with two other kittens (he was 3 mo old). When I picked him up all he wanted was to be cuddled. He is now 8 years old and still wants to be cuddled every chance he gets. I think a...
  3. N

    Come here girls! *vent*

    I also prefer boy kitties. It is always been my experience that boy kitties are a little bit more cuddlier than female. However, if I say a girl kitty that had all the traits I liked, I would not hold being a girl against her.
  4. N

    Ragdoll kittens won't eat wet food - HELP!

    My cat Max will not eat wet food. I talked to the vet about it and he said that was a good thing, because wet food is often filled with sodium. He is now 7 years old and only eats dry cat food that is specially formulated for indoor cats.
  5. N

    Having 1 Cat

    I have an only kitty named Max and he is home 8 hours a day. My house has lots of windows and my neighbors say he is always busy watching the neighborhood or sleeping in the sun. He is very healthy and happy. When I get home he loves to snuggle. I think your kitty will be just fine when you...
  6. N

    This weeks questions....09/25/05

    1. The garage that changes my oil puts a sticker on my car to tell me when I need to change it again. 2. I must admit that I rarely eat something without wearing a little of it. 3. Diet 7-up 4. Growing up in the 70's, I'd have to admit that it was David Cassidy. 5. Sports section 6. I...
  7. N

    What kind of treats do you give?

    I give my Max Kitty Kaviar (he absolutely loves it) and for tartar control Wiskalikins shrimp and tuna (blue can). The vet says he has the cleanest teeth she has ever seen (I might be a little too liberal in the treat department, as he is very demanding and I am a sucker).
  8. N

    Adymarie... update

    Ady - I had not heard that you were expecting a little one. I'm so happy for you!!! Congratulations!
  9. N

    Cat treats...what do you use if any?

    Max loves Whiskalikins Tuna/Salmon tarter control treats, however, his absolute favorite is Kitty Kaviar.
  10. N

    Meow Meow Meow Meow....SHHHHH!!!!!

    Max used to do this also. I would push him back down and ignore him and he would go back to sleep. After a while it will sink in with him that it is not an acceptable time to wake up mommy.
  11. N

    Words You Hate...Words You Love

    Words I dislike: flesh shut up Any profanity Words I enjoy: profound witty ribbons joy autum snowflakes jasper My Dr. is named Jasmine (I just love that name) My Sister's name is Kathleen - her name rolls of my tongue. There are too many to write down, but these are just a few.
  12. N

    The Apprentice

    I'm so glad Bill won. Even if I didn't know I could fire Omarossa, I would have told her to go to her room, sit there and that I didn't want to see her face again. Imagine not answering your phone when your boss is calling you. I liked the way Bill handled things and so he was a asking them a...
  13. N

    How Do You Want To Be Remembered?

    This is a really good question - it really made me think. I'd like to be remembered for being a good listener, a good friend, loyal and empathetic. Someone who really enjoyed laughter and making people laugh. A woman of faith.
  14. N

    Now that I have a second, some new Nakita pics!

    I love pictures of Nakita! The picture of her in the shadows should be sent in to some contest. She is such a petite little baby. Max is 12 lbs and he looks huge compared to Nakita.
  15. N


    I too am a HGTV and house improvement addict. I confess!