Recent Content by Nknknk85

  1. Nknknk85

    Is this normal? Third eyelid showing.

    Hi everyone, I’m concerned about my cat. He is 7 months old. He has had diarrhoea for almost 2 weeks now. I’ve taken him to the emergency vet who did a blood test - came back fine. They prescribed a probiotic to firm up his stool. Hasn’t worked. Went back to the vet yesterday - they checked his...
  2. Nknknk85

    Did I Make A Mistake? Cat wants to kill kitten.

    thank you :) and congratulations on getting your cats to get along! I dream of such success haha. I’m happy to report that things have improved a lot. Little kitten is holding his own a lot more and I can have them in the same room (with me present) for longer periods of time each day. They’re...
  3. Nknknk85

    Did I Make A Mistake? Cat wants to kill kitten.

    thank you :) I’ve been binging Jackson Galaxy and his videos are so helpful.
  4. Nknknk85

    Did I Make A Mistake? Cat wants to kill kitten.

    Older kitten is due to be fixed on March 5th. What we did do: - put kitten in a separate room - site swapping - introduction by scent - feeding on opposite side of slightly ajar door however... some of this went out the window because our older kitten was incessantly meowing. We are also...
  5. Nknknk85

    Did I Make A Mistake? Cat wants to kill kitten.

    Thank you. That’s really reassuring to hear. I’ll continue to keep them apart!
  6. Nknknk85

    Did I Make A Mistake? Cat wants to kill kitten.

    Older cat isn’t displaying any hostility- he just swipes at kitten every now and then. His pupils dilate a lot, though, and when he sees kitten he just zeroes in and it’s difficult to get his attention away from the kitten. Our main issue is that the cat won’t leave the kitten alone. When in...
  7. Nknknk85

    Did I Make A Mistake? Cat wants to kill kitten.

    Hi everyone We have a 7 month old cat and we brought home an almost 10 week old kitten last weekend. I tried to implement a few of the tricks I saw online, such as bringing my older cat’s blanket along when picking up kitten, keeping them in separate rooms and feeding them at the same time on...