Recent Content by nightmare_owner

  1. nightmare_owner

    Sudden change in behaviour towards a guest

    Yes, it is indeed! She always looks grumpy/judgemental, lol. Despite her name, though, she's very sweet.
  2. nightmare_owner

    Sudden change in behaviour towards a guest

    My friend is abstinent in all the ways you can possibly imagine, he does not use any drugs, he doesn't even smoke or drink alcohol. Also, I feel like the issue would arise earlier than a week in, should he indeed use any drugs at all (which he does not). What might be difficult for Madame...
  3. nightmare_owner

    Sudden change in behaviour towards a guest

    Thank you for the advice ♥. This was a completely new situation so I was at a loss. Madame Nightmare seems calmer today, less vigilant, so hopefully she'll be okay with him staying for another two nights.
  4. nightmare_owner

    Sudden change in behaviour towards a guest

    Alright, a small, just as confusing update: she keeps wanting to sit on his legs. Not really in his lap, but when he sits with his legs outstretched, she'll sit atop his knees/lower thighs. Her behaviour remains aggressive however. I've also advised my friend to leave her alone and so he does...
  5. nightmare_owner

    Sudden change in behaviour towards a guest

    Alright, I will try that, thank you. Her behaviour was sort of protective of me every now and then, so I was thinking maybe she perceives him as a threat, but since cats are pretty territorial, what you said makes a lot of sense. Hopefully if I shower her with attention she stops fighting him...
  6. nightmare_owner

    Sudden change in behaviour towards a guest

    I've had my friend staying over for ten days now. He's scheduled to leave in four days so I'm guessing this'll resolve itself when that time comes but it still puzzles me. My cat is usually on the meek side, very cuddly with me, though she is wary of people who, well, aren't me. When my friend...