Recent Content by newkittenmommy

  1. newkittenmommy

    How to introduce a foster momma cat and kittens to my resident cat? Please help!

    Thank you @Furballsmom ! I really just want them all to be chill and happy. Specially Noona since she's been through a lot these past months.
  2. newkittenmommy

    How to introduce a foster momma cat and kittens to my resident cat? Please help!

    Hi guys, first of all, I'm really sorry if there is another thread related to this, I really couldn't find it. I've been reading this site without participating much for the past two years, and it's really gotten me through many a pickle as a first-time cat parent. Quite long background story...
  3. newkittenmommy

    Loving Rescue Kitten Became A 4 Month Old Kraken?

    Hello! I’m a new kitty owner. I really hope you can help me because I'm becoming desperate. I've read MANY articles by now about cat behavior, cat biting, kitten play aggression, etc... but still can't find something that works for me. My fiancé has had many cats before and agrees that she’s too...