Recent Content by nessly

  1. N

    Saddest Day Of My Life

    Well, I finally mustered up the willpower to remove the rest of Shania's things from my room. First it was the litterbox, then the food dishes, then the scratching tree. It was an odd feeling at first - I moved some things around and while I was doing that I realized again, how much space I...
  2. N

    Saddest Day Of My Life

    So sorry to hear about your Timmer! Shania LOVED being in my lap and after she went blind I actually encouraged her to do it. She would sit at the edge of the bed and I'd put my legs out and she'd walk across with me vocalizing to her so she followed the sound of my voice and my hands patting...
  3. N

    Saddest Day Of My Life

    Thank you! And right back at you! Processing grief is so hard and it never gets easy. There are certain songs I was listening to during her last month with us and now I can't even listen to them without crying because they are a glaring reminder of what I have lost. It's crazy the way grief...
  4. N

    Saddest Day Of My Life

    Thank you for your kind words! The fact that everyone here actually took time out of their day to offer me condolences and comfort means a lot. Sorry I haven't responded sooner - I belong to SO many different kinds of sites online and often just forget to sign in to see the latest updates...
  5. N

    Saddest Day Of My Life

    Wow! What a beautiful cat!!!! Sorry for her loss. :(
  6. N

    Saddest Day Of My Life

    Yeah, I'm glad I found this site. That one post that keeps getting bumped written by Gareth was amazing. I have been sharing it with friends.
  7. N

    Saddest Day Of My Life

    OMG, that is so sad! At least I knew the end was coming for mine so at least I had time to mentally prepare (didn't change the grief though). But our last cat went pretty fast too. She did of kidney disease we didn't even know she had until it was too late. She'd been eating and throwing it...
  8. N

    Saddest Day Of My Life

    What happened with your fur baby? Part of me is sort of happy for Shania. They say animals can adapt but after she went blind, she didn't really seem to taking it so well. Didn't want to play anymore (tried all the noise toys), become more clingy, would follow me out of the room downstairs...
  9. N

    Saddest Day Of My Life

    Thank you! This guilt is just killing me so I'm glad to know it's normal. I need to stop beating myself up over it and doing the whole shoulda-coulda-woulda. The silence in the room is still so deafening.
  10. N

    Saddest Day Of My Life

    I euthanized my cat two days ago. She was 17.5 years old and considering all the medical problems she’s had since the day we got her, it’s a miracle she even made it this far (our other cat before her died at 14 of liver disease). My beloved kitty Shania was a survivor. She'd gone through three...