Recent Content by natattaack

  1. natattaack

    Feline Polycythemia Vera

    Hi everyone! Leslie- how is Motley doing? Sherry- your posts about Murphy give me a lot of hope. Thank you!! So glad he is doing well on the meds for so long. My Valo was diagnosed with polycythemia vera almost a year ago. He has phlebotomies every 3 months or so, and they had been working...
  2. natattaack

    Feline Polycythemia Vera

    Lunarleslie- I'm so glad to hear that Motley is doing well! I just now realized that I never told you what happened with Valo at the specialist.. Months ago! Valo saw a specialist who performed an ultrasound. Luckily the ultrasound ruled out any kidney tumors:) He also saw a cardiologist who...
  3. natattaack

    Feline Polycythemia Vera

    Hi Leslie, Thank you so much for your kind words and encouraging message.  It really does help me to hear from people who love their cats as much as I love mine.  I'm so happy that Motley is doing well! Valo is still in good spirits- running around, chasing the other cats, climbing the...
  4. natattaack

    Feline Polycythemia Vera

    Thank you all very much for these postings.  I have an 8 year old male cat named Valo, who is like a child to me.  4 days ago, I took him and his brother to the vet for a routine wellness checkup.  Since they suggested blood work be done in cats older than 7 years, I agreed.  Yesterday, my very...