Recent Content by Nabeeha

  1. N

    Kitten not suckling as before

    Ok it looks like a discomfort issue. He pooped, with some difficulty. After that he started suckling. Not the same way but still a lot better than before. I guess he was a bit constipated then?
  2. N

    Kitten not suckling as before

    I don't hear any labored breathing or crackling. He did sneeze out milk once which seemed like he had aspirated and I patted his ribs after that. He has been okay since but I'll keep this in mind as it seems probable at this point. Observing him for this now. Thanks for making mention of this
  3. N

    Kitten not suckling as before

    Hi I have been taking care of a litter of three kittens since the last 10 days. Their momma unfortunately died from an accident and these kittens were removed via a C-section. They were seven days early. I've been taking care of them since and lost a kitten two days back to a bacterial...