Recent Content by Mystical

  1. Mystical


    Are crossed!
  2. Mystical


  3. Mystical


    Well, it's been a few days since I started this post.Rigby and Tyge are no longer fighting but still hiss at one another ! They are able to be in the same room but not next to each other.
  4. Mystical


    I jave never heard of getting vouchers for a vet. Do you know who i would have to contact about tatt?
  5. Mystical


    They have never been like this before
  6. Mystical


    Well, it's been a couple of days since I started this post. There has been no change in the boys (Rigby and Tyge) behavior. I hate the fact that I have to keep them separately and in cages but I'm so afraid that they fight and hurt each other seriously especially when no one is home that at...
  7. Mystical


    I have a very limited income seeing how I'm unable to be employed at this time due to medical reasons
  8. Mystical


    The original owners were in their early 20's so they thought they knew it all and everyone else was wrong. The cats have never been to a vet so i know I'm looking at a pretty hefty fee when I am able to finally get them to a vet. I was watching a vet show the other day and it was...
  9. Mystical


    At first Rigby and Tyge wasn't mine and i had tried to tell the original owners that the cats need to be fixed which they refused to spend money (except for food and litter).
  10. Mystical


    No, they are not. I'm at my whits end with Rigby, who will be 3 in either Sept or Oct and Tyge, who will be 2 in either Oct or Nov. They have been together since the end of 2016. As you are able to see in the pic they look like they are actual brothers but they're not.
  11. Mystical


    Earlier this year I moved away from the one house I was living at and around 2-3 weeks later I was brought Rigby and Tyge. Now that it's at the end of May, for the past two days all they have done is fight. I'm concerned about this seeing how they normally act like they are blood brothers. The...