Recent Content by MyCatSqueaks

  1. M

    What's Up With This Stray?

    This is the Fuzzy Beast, refusing to let me take the dog for her walk this morning lol.
  2. M

    What's Up With This Stray?

    Oh boy...maybe next time she's feeling lovey she could just bring me a dead mouse instead?!? Thanks for all the tips. I think she's probably going to be mine one way or the other, she's too nice (unprovoked shoe attacks notwithstanding) to not belong somewhere. As for being fixed, I'm not...
  3. M

    What's Up With This Stray?

    I've been feeding a stray for a while - she let's me pet her, and has even acclimated to my dog (they interact when we go out). I tried introducing her to my cat but it didn't go well, so I haven't made her a part of the family yet.Squeaks gets a FLUTD flare up every time he's stressed, and...
  4. M


    Oh, poor Jack! I'm glad he's getting better. She seems to think his is mostly stress related too, but after a day on the antibiotics he's stopped licking himself. It's just so frustrating and scary for him to not have something that we can just treat and get rid of.
  5. M


    We couldn't get enough urine for a culture today, he leaked in his carrier. The vet gave us another round of food, more pain meds, and some antibiotics. I ordered a water fountain for him and will get a diffuser after work. Hoping for the best!
  6. M


    Thank you all! No antibiotics yet - just the meds and painkillers, and he got an x-ray. I'll check the site out for sure. I feel like this flare up was my fault. I only travel for work twice a year and I had to go last week. I had the petsitter sending me litterbox pics (neurotic much...
  7. M


    Hi, A couple of weeks ago my sweet kitty seemed a little "off" and went outside the litterbox for the first time (he was bottle raised from 2 weeks old, so this was a huge behavior change for us). The next morning he was diagnosed with FLUTD and put on prescription canned food. Everything...