Recent Content by MyBabies-MyHeart

  1. MyBabies-MyHeart

    Vet(s)! Keep Saying Nothing’s Wrong, “she’s Healthy”. But I Know My Baby! [signs Of Sexual Abuse]

    It’s ok- yes, she has had multiple blood panels, screenings, x-rays—- basically, anything and everything the doctor wanted to explore I signed off on and made happen. The reason we did not do the ultrasounds etc. for the heart disease questions they were raising was two fold: 1) if we held out...
  2. MyBabies-MyHeart

    Vet(s)! Keep Saying Nothing’s Wrong, “she’s Healthy”. But I Know My Baby! [signs Of Sexual Abuse]

    Thank you Jen for your feedback – no, it is OK the discussion part but yes you’re right, I am having a lot of words without a very concise point at this moment. And if I disappear tonight, I absolutely will be back tomorrow to respond and hear things. Yes, you are also right that I am...
  3. MyBabies-MyHeart

    Vet(s)! Keep Saying Nothing’s Wrong, “she’s Healthy”. But I Know My Baby! [signs Of Sexual Abuse]

    Hi, we are new here. I’m the Mamma, Kiki is my “Little” (Age 12-14?) and Haus Kitty (Age 17-21) is now our guardian angel... I found them in a cabin where they had been trapped with their dead owner for a week plus. Me being the “HELL NO— I DON’T DO ANIMALS! YOU MIGHT AS WELL JUST HAVE A...