Recent Content by mr muffins

  1. mr muffins

    Should I adopt another cat?

    I also think that when your cat seems to be perfectly fine as the only cat in the house, then you should only add a second cat for yourself rather then your cat. My experience is that there is no telling what kind of relationship the two will have, and it certainly is not always the case that...
  2. mr muffins

    My cat wont come out from under the bed, and we're getting desperate!

    I feel bad for you. It is hard thing seeing a pet that you love being miserable. One thing that my parents did with their cat that inexplicably went into hiding in the house, was make safe rooms in the living room (like boxes and so forth)  but restrict the cat to go anywhere else but the living...
  3. mr muffins

    Sudden aggressive behaviour

    That could have something to do with it obviously. I would just monitor the situation. If he does it again under different circumstances then you may have to take him to a vet. In my experience, sudden unexplained aggression is something that can occur when a cat is in pain. You may want to have...
  4. mr muffins

    Behavior Problem- New 4yr old cat attacking new 2 yr

    Some aggression is to be expected. That is what happened when I introduced a new cat (they are fine now) and that is what happened to others I know that introduced a new cat as well. I think its a good idea to follow the general guidelines about cat introduction, I did and the results have been...
  5. mr muffins

    kitten biting feet

    Just go with it and play with her. This is a very common thing for kittens, and sometimes even older cats to do. When she gets older it will no doubt either stop or decrease.  I wouldnt scare her or be mean. Cats can easily pick up on things like snapping a finger means "you are not supposed to...
  6. mr muffins

    Newly adopted cat... changing behaviors?

    This may be the most obvious advice ever but,  Really, give it some time. I have yet to meet a cat that is completely comfortable, and acts like his "usual self" after completely changing his surroundings. My experience has been that kittens have an easier time adapting, but adult cats, need...
  7. mr muffins

    Would like a new kitten - boy or girl??

    I added a kitten to an older female, and while everything turned out fine in the end, I too had the typical problem that the kitten was indeed a little too high energy. Though they did always get along fine for the most part. A lot of people recommend two kittens, though I wonder how many people...
  8. mr muffins

    Younger Kitten won't allow my other cat to play?

    What I did was just close a door. I didnt lock the kitten in a room, but rather closed of one door in the house to make sure that the kitten wouldnt be able to come in for a while. You may say that is a little hard on the kitten, but he really did not seem to care. And besides, I wanted to make...
  9. mr muffins

    Stranger shy

    I have one cat who just loves everyone. If they sit on the couch she might just try to take a nap while lying up against them ( something she does regularly). My other cat is the opposite, when people enter he will always retreat to the bedroom. After a while, when he is confident the situation...
  10. mr muffins

    Younger Kitten won't allow my other cat to play?

    I actually had the exact same issue. The older cat was slow and cautious, and the younger cat would just run after everything that moves. The result of this was that whenever the older cat tried to play with something ( or if I held a feather or something for her to play with) , the younger cat...
  11. mr muffins

    Why do some cats not like to be held?

    I agree that all cats are simply different, what one cat may like another may dislike. There is no deeper reason other then that, like humans, they all have their own peculiarities.  But I also think cats can get used to certain things if you introduce them to it early on. I dont think its a...
  12. mr muffins

    Do my cats know I'm sad??

    Been living with cats all my life and have two of my own now as well. It could just be due to the relationship I have with my cats but I get the distinct impression that ...... they couldnt care less.  I have never seen anything in my cat's behavior that would indicate that they are aware...
  13. mr muffins

    New kitten too playful for older cat

    I agree with the above advice, and would say this situation is actually pretty typical.  We were in a similar situation, where we introduced a male kitten to the older indoor resident female cat. The kitten would often annoy the older cat because he wanted to play 24/7, which led to a bit of...