Recent Content by mpea

  1. M

    Cat poops on the floor. Which repellent spray should I get?

    She pooped on the floor 3 times already, in the same spot. Simply washing the floor is not helping, she continues to think that spot of the floor is the place for pooping. What can i spray the floor with to stop her doing it once and for all? 
  2. M

    TCFeline and excess pooping anyone?

    Since starting TCFeline she's been pooping A LOT! Normal poop but multiple times a day AND at night too. Is this normal? 
  3. M

    How much raw food a day for a 6 months old kitten?

    I give her food twice a day, yes, but she doesn't finish the whole thing, she comes back a couple of times. Like now, she ate probably 2/3 of the portion and left but she'll be back later to finish, i know. It's cool in the kitchen, so her food can stay out for a few hours i guess, I was told...
  4. M

    How much raw food a day for a 6 months old kitten?

    So, she is 6 months old. A heaping 1/3 cup of food (bite size cubes or raw meat + TCFeline powder + water + egg yolks) is not too much for a meal? Two of these in 24 hours not too much?
  5. M

    How much raw food a day for a 6 months old kitten?

    I am feeding my kitten raw meat with TCFeline (plus 2 egg yolks a week). I know all cats are different but still would like to know what an average amount per day is appropriate for this age. 