Recent Content by moyatoska

  1. moyatoska

    Worried about cat and crib

    I hadn't heard of the sandpaper idea! I'll check that out. I'm wary of spraying cat deterrent sprays somewhere the baby will be sleeping. We're definitely planning to let the cats sniff a blanket. I'll have my husband bring an extra one to put in the crib. We do have a few boxes laying around...
  2. moyatoska

    Worried about cat and crib

    We're keeping the cords far out of reach and the crib isn't right next to the window. Just close enough for the cat to jump easily. There's literally nowhere else to put the crib in our apartment because one entire wall is windows.  Thank you for the pie pan and sheet ideas.
  3. moyatoska

    Worried about cat and crib

    I have two cats, a Himalayan and an orange tabby. The orange tabby can get pretty territorial. We're expecting a baby in March and have been trying to keep her out of the crib using tin foil, but about every other night, I'll wake up to find her playing with the foil in the crib. She'll run out...