Recent Content by MissTuna

  1. MissTuna

    SUDDEN ALLERGY: what food now 😢 ?

    My cat developed an allergy to my fabric softener and possibly detergent she lost a lot of hair and constantly scratching her ears. We couldn’t figure out until we stopped using that. Just a thought :)
  2. MissTuna

    Homemade Cooked diet- did I get it right?

    The reason a lot of people using eggshell other calcium carbonate is because bones and bone meals are high in phosphorus. It’s fine for kittens and young cats as they require high amount of phos in their diet. But id be cautious with senior cats and that’s why Dr Pierson kept emphasizing in her...
  3. MissTuna

    Need CKD recipe

    Yes, I did initially tried to feed raw but had to give up cuz my cat is not a huge fan of being fed on time. She had food poisoning as well, mostly my fault for leaving the food out a bit long. But after I switched to cooked, I feel more comfortable leaving the food out for her to eat whenever...
  4. MissTuna

    Post Your Recipes! (with Pics!)

    Hey, you can actually add mussels to your overall cat food. Add 4-5% of cooked mussels will help your diet meet the AAFCO or NRC guideline of manganese :)
  5. MissTuna

    Need CKD recipe

    Also, rice adds calories to the meal with the tiniest amount of phos, probably the lowest in the food list per 1000kcal. It only provide 10-15% of her daily caloric intake and my cat metabolizes it very well. For most cats fed on traditional dry foods, the amount of carb I add is pretty...
  6. MissTuna

    Need CKD recipe

    Hi, I have 6lbs of meat in the recipe so not sure If it shows up correctly on your end? My cat doesn’t eat food that’s watery and my goal is to add at least 120ml of water daily in her diet beyond what’s in the meat. So sticky rice is a perfect binder to create a sticky consistency instead of a...
  7. MissTuna

    Homemade cat food for renal failure

    Hi there, chicken and rice is actually a classic recipe for cats with CKD per kits nutritionist, as rice helps as a binder as well as cutting the phos level. My cat has been eating that recipe for years since first diagnosed with CKD and have been in great shape. Also, she still has that victory...
  8. MissTuna

    Need CKD recipe

    Here is my recipe for my late stage CKD cat. Remember, this is a really low phos recipe. If your cat is not that bad, a normal raw diet without bone will most likely work. 45 days of serving 3lbs Pork Shoulder 3lbs chick thigh meat ( 6 leg?) 8oz of liver 1.5 cups of raw sticky rice...
  9. MissTuna

    Manganese requirement?

    Hi, i use mussels as they are a great resource of manganese. I personally use a spreadsheet to calculate my cat food ingredients in order for it to meat those guidelines. And based on that, 4% of cooked mussels added to your raw or cooked diet will satisfy NRC’s requirement for cats needs. And...
  10. MissTuna

    high calcium and phosphorus levels in blood cat on raw food

    In general, cats fed on a meat based diet with have elevated cholesterol and that is nothing to be worrying about (from my vet), but I don’t seem to be finding your cats BUN and Crea instead of just the range. Are those two numbers whiting normal range ? An elevated phos and cal level could be...
  11. MissTuna

    high calcium and phosphorus levels in blood cat on raw food

    Also, I wouldn’t use bone meal per Lisa Pierson recommended as well, cuz you know phosphorus. Just stick to calcium carbonate.
  12. MissTuna

    high calcium and phosphorus levels in blood cat on raw food

    Hi, I have a cat with kidney disease so I think I might weight in as well. First and foremost, I’d remit the bone in the recipe immediately. Bones have insanely (yes insanely) high amount of phosphorus. It’s fine with kittens and young cats cuz they do need that to grow but not good for adult...
  13. MissTuna

    Boneless homecooked without premixes?

    I agree with Mschauser’s analysis. There are a couple ingredients you can add to satisfy the AAFCO (I personally prefer NRC ) guideline when it comes to micronutrients. Mussels contains extremely high amount of manganese and iron, as little as 4% of cooked mussels in your total amount prepared...