Recent Content by misse

  1. M

    Broken leg cat restless...

    thanks guys, she is calmer this morning though she freaked out a couple times overnight. I cant take the collar off her unfortunately, she immediately starts gnawing her cast. Poor little thing, I feel so bad for mer. I think she got more sleep than me last night!!
  2. M

    Broken leg cat restless...

    Apparently she has to be kept in a cage (and its a big one, more than large enough for her litter tray, bed and water bowl) so that she doesnt jump. If jumps off anything, even something low, she could twist the leg, unset it and it will probably have to come off. its a bad break.
  3. M

    Broken leg cat restless...

    My cat broke her front leg yesterday and was put in a cast. I've been told to keep her in a cage and keep her quiet. But last night, she went bezerk, ripping and biting at herself, screaming and jumping literally feet into the air. I took her to the emergency clinic and she stayed overnight...