Recent Content by Mini-mimi

  1. M

    Random poop on fur

    Yes hes fixed and has all his treatments. hes usually outside only in daytime and i dont see the feral cat. At night hes usually locked up in the house. Thats when i hear the feral cat making alot of noise. i called the animal welfare and they said to spray some water and not feed it. So not...
  2. M

    Random poop on fur

    Why would my cat have poop on his stomach??? I woke this morning to see my cat has dried poop on his right side and belly. i cant see an injury. So im confused its no where near his butt. Unless some random cat pooped on his side. Hes usually very clean. But it dried. So i got a bunch of wet...
  3. M

    Leo has an abscess or cyst that burst/ Update

    Hi i just bought my cat to the vet today with an abscess but on his back leg. My poor guy is in alot of pain though. The vet shaved the area and drained it. She also said it needs to be open to drain all the junk out. So wash twice a day with salt water and a cotton ball so the hole doesnt close...
  4. M

    How to stop kitten bring in mice

    I have 3 cats. The 1 oldest female (orange) doesn’t really catch mice. The 2 oldest (buffalo) who mainly outdoors we got to catch mice. And now a kitten. Which is the first time I had one usually I get given older cats. My kitten (Mimi) usually sleep in the day and likes being outdoors at night...
  5. M

    What would you consider emergency situation for vet visit?

    Thank you so much. This is very helpful information
  6. M

    What would you consider emergency situation for vet visit?

    Seems he was bitten a few days ago. The vet noticed a wound on his leg that had already scabbed up and closed. But now it’s become swollen. And she said sometimes infections come after a bite. It might seem sudden if you don’t notice the bite marks especially he’s a little bit fluffy (he...
  7. M

    What would you consider emergency situation for vet visit?

    My vet has an emergency visit of $90 instead of usual $60. I might of hastily brought my kitten to the vet. (he was limping,lethargic, bite on leg and seem to be shaking) My parents said there was no need and just let him rest. But after I had a dog that I put of an itchy ear which turned to...
  8. M

    Need help with new kitten from shelter

    Idk if it’ll help regarding the runny nose. but I read this on a YouTube comment. Someone gave their cat mullein tea who had constant cough and runny nose and it stopped within 3 days. Try and give your cat a few mls of brewed mullein tea it says to help treats respiratory problems and get rids...
  9. M

    Cleaning cat fountain

    Have you tried vinegar soak? Also let the solution run through the fountain,, then rinse well with clean water.
  10. M

    FLEAS!! Please help

    When I got two new kittens one of my old cats came gave them fleas (I was already trying to treat her for 2 weeks with flea collars, powders, washing, spot treatments - they didn’t do much tbh it just kept come back). I tried those flea collars and monthly spot things ect, and they don’t work...
  11. M

    How do cats cope in hot weather?

    One of my older cats finds dark places to hide (usually in the garden or shed) and basically sleep all day. He doesn’t usually come inside unless it’s really boiling. My new kitten hasn’t experienced a real Australian summer yet And these days it’s starting to get hot so he usually comes inside...
  12. M

    Cat started to wheeze

    Last night I was feeding my cat (8 month old) and he eats really fast and seemed to choke on a piece of kibble. He was like coughing/gagging for a bit but nothing come up or he ate it. he went to sleep at night fine. And this morning I gave him a little dry kibble and he ate most but threw up...