Recent Content by mikesrose

  1. M

    Only Cat is a Lonely Cat? Siamese

    I lost my beautiful siamese last summer to kidney disease. She was 17, so she was part of most of my adult life. I really miss her Lately I have been looking at getting another cat. Siamese of course! Traditional applehead. I always had the feeling that my last cat might be lonely. I don't...
  2. M

    My cat has kidney failure. Is raw diet helpful?

    Thank you, I have been worried she will die soon because of this. It just breaks my heart. She has been with me through college, marriage, childbirth, divorce... I have a copy of the lab report and will find a holistic vet.
  3. M

    My cat has kidney failure. Is raw diet helpful?

    Her creatine is 3.3 I am almost afraid to take her into another vet. She was so scared of this last one she had to be muzzled and restrained. They tried to take her temp and she got away with the thermo still inside her. She was VERY angry and frightened.
  4. M

    My cat has kidney failure. Is raw diet helpful?

    Hello, This is my first post. I just found out this past Friday that my 15 year old Siamese, Loki, has CRF, vet says it is genetic. Her BUN was pretty high, 96. She reacted quite badly to the vet and his assistent, very frightened and angry. They tell me that subcutaneous fluid therapy would...