Recent Content by Mera

  1. M

    Suddenly Died. Many Questions, Don't Know What To Do.

    1000%. Looking at pictures and videos helps. Sometimes I feel like "why don't I have more?" or "why didn't I capture this moment that I remember?". But not everything is on camera, and that's fine. We have our memories, too, and can write them down. After Mera died, I wrote down my memory of...
  2. M

    Suddenly Died. Many Questions, Don't Know What To Do.

    Everyone, thank you for your responses after my last post. @Renato I am so sorry for your loss. I think it is important, and it takes time, to understand that if we could not see anything wrong, we could not have known to do anything. Honestly, time (right now) does not make everything better...
  3. M

    Concern For Paddy

    If you feel you should take him to the vet, take him. Peace of mind is priceless. I hope everything turns out okay. Could it be an infection from the teeth cleaning?
  4. M

    Suddenly Died. Many Questions, Don't Know What To Do.

    It has been 9 days since she died, and I am going back and forth between grief, disbelief, anger, guilt, and hope(?). I appreciate all the posts between this and my last. I like the idea of having them draw a picture - my 22 month old doesn't quite know what happened. She has randomly asked...
  5. M

    Suddenly Died. Many Questions, Don't Know What To Do.

    Yes, we had to be very careful about how we explained it to him. My fiance explained that it's a one in a million thing and would not just happen to anyone. I think it may be a constant conversation of reassurance to make sure he doesn't worry about us/everyone. I am very glad that he had not...
  6. M

    Suddenly Died. Many Questions, Don't Know What To Do.

    Thank you. It does help a little. I guess without thinking there may be an issue, we normally don't think to press an ultrasound to reveal what may or may not be there. For all I know, maybe the vet she went to last year did detect a small murmur and attributed it to anxiousness of being there...
  7. M

    Suddenly Died. Many Questions, Don't Know What To Do.

    `That's very sweet, the part about having someone take over the duties she can no longer do. Thank you. My daughter did randomly ask "Where Mera?" and I was so taken aback because we were playing with zippers, so I said she's hiding, but then my baby started to look around so I quickly changed...
  8. M

    Cat Died Suddenly

    I am not the original poster, but had this happen to me too yesterday. Thank you for this post, it is pretty helpful to know also that because of how quick it was they likely could not have been saved at the vets - helps reduce the "I could have done more/something" feeling that exists right now.
  9. M

    Cat Died Suddenly

    I am so, so sorry. This just happened to me yesterday and I actually also made a post. It does not sound like he suffered. We opted not to do the autopsy not just due to the cost, but because there was a chance you may not get an answer anyway, and it would not change what happened. For me...
  10. M

    Suddenly Died. Many Questions, Don't Know What To Do.

    Sorry, I don't know how to edit. She let out 2-3 yowls not 3-4.
  11. M

    Suddenly Died. Many Questions, Don't Know What To Do.

    Yesterday morning, my beloved Mera suddenly died. She showed no signs of illness whatsoever. She was happy and cuddly the night before, and the morning of was a normal day for her with eating, drinking water, and getting ready to play. Suddenly, she was on her side, let out 3-4 loud distressed...