Recent Content by meeses

  1. M

    Brothers fighting-Help!!

    Larke, I will try that tonight. I don't plan on having them out together if we are not home so I will try and let them smell each other under close supervision (and with a spray bottle handy!). The funny thing is the brother cat who has traditionally been the Alpha-Male dominant cat is the...
  2. M

    Brothers fighting-Help!!

    I hope it does not last but the fighting is not in play. The screams are blood-curling. Our neighbors probably hate us right now. This morning I let the one who has been confined to the guest bedroom out. They saw each other at first and were OK and the aggressor starting sniffing the other...
  3. M

    Brothers fighting-Help!!

    My two cats (who are brothers and until yesterday have been inseperable) are at each others throats now. I tried unsuccessfully to introduce a new cat. After that cat got scared and went back out my two cats are attacking one another. I have them in seperate rooms right now. They are both...