Meeko the Lynx Point

This is Meeko. My beloved cat that crossed the rainbow bridge 1 year ago. I only had my Meeko for 7 years, but those 7 years were the best with him. I still grieve over the loss of Meeko every day and I will never forget what joy and happiness he brought to me.
I will never forget the first day I adopted Meeko.
When I went to go take pictures with Meeko, he stood behind me placing his paws on my shoulders.
He has done it ever since one of the best days of my life.
Thank you for your love and support for my Meeko. I’m so sorry for everyone else who has lost their furry friend♡

“No longer by my side, but forever in my heart.”
Interests (Hobbies, favorite activities, etc.)
Hi! I’m Meeko. Here I will show you my 2 most favorite things to do. Eating Temptations Cat Treats, and Playing and Snuggling with Mommy.

