Recent Content by maryna

  1. M

    Recovering cat needs to eat....

    Wonderful news! Thanks so much for letting us know!
  2. M

    Please vote for Echo!

    Echo is adorable! He just got my vote-I hope he wins!
  3. M

    Recovering cat needs to eat....

    Jen-Maybe the Eukanuba Maximum Calorie or Science Diet A/D? Both of the above have always worked for me, until last year when one of our cats developed cancer and went through chemo. She survived the cancer and chemo very well but had gone too long with very little eating and developed feline...
  4. M

    Where is everyone from? (And welcome to the Forums)

    Greetings fellow cat lovers! I'm also from Idaho, Boise in fact and just love this site! (I just logged on from work-don't tell anyone!) My husband and have 13 incredibly gifted and talented (aren't they all?) cats. I used to foster cats for a group I belonged to here in Boise and ended up...
  5. M

    Second Opinions ... Get Them!!!!!!!!

    Sue-My heart is breaking after reading your story. I cannot tell you how sorry I am for the loss of your wonderful companion, Friskey. I had a similiar situation last year-I totally believed my vet of 10 years and thought she knew better than anyone else. She never diagnosed Rini's fatty liver...
  6. M

    I Just Found Out: Tiffany Is Alive And Well...

    Meowman-That's the best news I've heard all day! Thanks so much for letting us know!
  7. M

    What I like about this site.

    This site is fabuulllous! Everybody is so helpful and supportive and the fact that everybody loves cats...well that's the best part! The Moderators/Administrators are great too-very encouraging and quick to respond. I've never even "talked" on any of these sites; now I can't wait to come home...
  8. M

    Cat Poetry...Please Add To It

    Beautiful! That first one brought tears to my eyes. I'll add if I find anymore.
  9. M


    These are sooooo funny--and I fit every single one! How about this--you have pictures of all of your cats at your office, and none of your spouse????
  10. M

    Cruelty and abuse

    Anne-I think it's important for people to know that horrible, ugly things happen to beautiful innocent creatures. Too many people think that these incidents are isolated or they are made up from overactive imaginations. It sickens me to read these articles but I do, so I can tell people at my...
  11. M

    How I became a cat person or...

    You are much kinder than I think I could be under the circumstances....I really don't think I could cry any harder for a human than I cried last year when our sweet Rini died. I still cry for her-we miss her so very much. At my office most everybody knows to not say ANYTHING bad about cats...
  12. M

    How I became a cat person or...

    What wonderful reading this has been! It's so terrific to know there are others who love cats as much as my husband and I do. We currently have 13 cats and they are the loves of our lives. I used to foster cats for a local feline group and I kept falling in love with the ones I fostered and...
  13. M

    fun download kitty

    That is an absolutely adorable site--thanks VERY MUCH for sharing it. What fun it will be!
  14. M

    Propulsid replacement?

    Just an update here-Chester had surgery on Feb.8-colonectomy. His medication wasn't doing the trick and we couldn't put the little guy through any more enemas. He's doing incredibly well-very active, no "accidents" and sweeter than ever. The only visable sign of his operation is his shaved...
  15. M

    Propulsid replacement?

    Hi Anne-I think the only alternative is surgery-apparently it's very successful so if that's what we have to do, then that's what we'll do. We just went to the vet this afternoon and she increased his dosage-she had found a pharmacy in town that had some--so keep your fingers crossed that the...