Recent Content by marie

  1. M

    Does Your Cat Do This?

    My two cats will come up to you like they want something and then they lead you to their food bowl where they start eating. It's like they have to have company during dinner. Also, Georgia has to have a cuddle in the morning before she will go to her food. I have also seen her drinking from the...
  2. M

    Talking Cats

    I have two cats; sisters. One can be quite vocal at times whilst the other one just sits there and smiles. Georgia (the vocal one) will have a conversation with you. She'll come running in meowing along the way. So I meow back and thus the chat begins. It can go on for atleast 5 minutes and...
  3. M

    A homepage for your cat

    I think that is a great idea. I will try and think of other things that could be added.
  4. M

    Twenty members!

    Thank you for the lovely welcome. Once I found this forum, I knew I had to join. I love my cats so much and they are my family. Hello to everyone. I hope you and your cats are all well!
  5. M

    How about the elections...

    Yes, I can not believe how long it is taken. Although I am not in America, it is very publicised here in the U.K. Oh, and just to let you know Anne. I kept a very close eye on my 8 year old cat yesterday and her drinking and she did not drink any more until later in the afternoon. I will...
  6. M

    Ban of cat and dog fur trade

    That is awful. I really can not understand and comprehend how people could do such a thing. I've always thought - how would they feel? But they are not the kind of people to put their feet in someone else's shoes, are they? Hhhhmmmm.
  7. M

    Increase in water intake

    Thanks Anne for the advice. I'll keep you posted as to how she is. She's my 'heffalump' as I call as she is so cuddly Thanks again xxxxxxxx
  8. M

    Where is everyone from? (And welcome to the Forums)

    Hi Linda, I've just registered here. My name is Marie, I am 25 years old and live in England. I have two cats who are sisters and are 8 years old. Their names are Sox and Georgie. Absloutely love 'em!! Take care xxxxxxxxx
  9. M

    Increase in water intake

    Hi there, I'm a bit concerned about my cat who is nearing 8 years old. She seems to be drinking quite a lot of water, more than usual. Is this something to worry about? I would be grateful for any input. Thank you, Marie xxxxxxxx