Recent Content by maliit_anino

  1. M

    A Low Cost clinic in Montreal, canada

    I googled this link for you. Vanier College Infovet
  2. M

    A Low Cost clinic in Montreal, canada

    Like I did, you could try Le Refuge which works with the SPCA. They are reasonable but the wait can be long.
  3. M

    Mosquito repellant

    I made some homemade repellent yesterday since they haven't come out in force yet. That way my boy will get used o the light spritzing without planning my eventual death. Here's the recipe: Slice 2 lemons, add 1 Cup of hot water and a couple sprigs of Rosemary, soak over night. Pour it into a...
  4. M

    Jackson needs a funky but AWESOME carrier for carrides...

    I have the cabrio cargo carrier which I got from Mondou here in Montreal (the only place I could find it) but I know that Petcetera carries a similar model that is on sale now.
  5. M

    Feeding needs.

    I'm not sure how much of a problem this really is but I'm bothered by it. For the last month, my Whiskey, at nine months no longer eats his midday meal at midday. It used to be his first meal was between 4.30 and 5.00 in the morning, and then again at 12.00 noon and once more at 7 in the...
  6. M

    Step n Dine

    hmm, i'm hoping so since it's the only thing i've found online so far that will help with food odours.
  7. M

    eye discharge

    Well, he seems fine now. Went to the vet today and she gave him the all-clear. She thinks it might be the dust in the apartment. ( I have to crack down on the dusting which I hate doing.) I've been told to watch him to see if anything changes. So hopefully all will stay well.
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    eye discharge

    Well, I feel like an idiot. After serious thought I realized that his pupils were just dilated. Which might be from having the light flicked on suddenly @ 4:30 in the morning. Yeah it happened again this morning after which I noticed his eyes started to leak again. So no more lights going on in...
  9. M

    Name your favorite kind of cat carrier!

    Well, I'm not certain if it's my favorite carrier yet since I just got it. cabrio cargo carrier as a gift to save my mind on our first ever trip for March Break. So far Whiskey seems taken with it, but that might be because it's a new 'toy'. Hopefully it will become a favorite.
  10. M

    eye discharge

    Umm, in the last week I've noticed that both of Whiskey's eyes are leaking and it's not clear tears. It's thick, milky (white) discharge and if I didn't know better I would think his eyes were black. He's also not eating as much as usual. He still plays and sleeps normally. What could it be?
  11. M

    Having Simba Neutered next month -any tips?

    Just wanted 2 thank every1 for the info I've found. Our neutering went off without a hitch almost 3 three weeks ago. He wasn't worried and neither was I, thanks to this great site.
  12. M

    Snoring Cat

    Boy, am I glad to know that I wasn't going out of my mind! I wasn't sure if I was only hearing things .. since no one else was usually around to hear my little one snore.
  13. M

    Balding Whiskey

    Well I just got back from the vet one kitty lighter and a whole lot more worried. From the quick look by the vet he thinks it might be ringworm. Hopefully, the kids won't get it. Off to sterilize my apartment just to give me something to do to help keep from missing my baby.
  14. M

    Balding Whiskey

    He has been scratching but mostly rubbing his head everywhere. Nope, no flea treatment at all. I had actually bought a flea/tick collar and when I asked the vet she said he didn't need it since he was an indoor cat w/no contact w/other catsand she didn't see anything when he had his check up...