Recent Content by Majesticfoxx

  1. M

    Rescue cat will come sit right next to me, and grab my hand with her claw. How can I touch her?

    We rescued 2 cats a while back, and then we adopted a third cat which had already been socialized in order to teach the 2 we rescued that not all humans are bad. One of the rescue cats seems to want to interact with us. While I am sitting on the couch, she will often jump up and come lay almost...
  2. M

    Need advice- Henry won't come out of his room

    We have a similar problem. We trapped some abandoned cats and brought them home a few months ago. We gave them a special room with all their stuff. We originally had 4 black cats, but we gave 2 away. They all seem to be under a year, and obviously had a home before, because they have never done...