Recent Content by maggie bancroft

  1. maggie bancroft

    Has anyone had a bad reaction to Cheristin flea meds?

    How long did you use the cheristin on your cats. I have not seen any adverse reaction in my 16yr.old. Kidney disease does not come on quickly but over time and with advanced age. I would like to know the duration of use,please..
  2. maggie bancroft

    Has anyone had a bad reaction to Cheristin flea meds?

    My cat has had no problems with Cheristin. I,too, live in South Florida and the flea stuff I had used stopped being effective. What a nightmare that was. So far,so good with Cheristin or Revolution. I do need to find a better price than what the vet charges,though. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  3. maggie bancroft

    Kitten gags and coughs when purring

    Good news indeed! Poor baby is probably stressed after her operation. Hope she does better. Thanks for posting.
  4. maggie bancroft

    Kitten gags and coughs when purring

    Hi, purring can also indicate an illness. I had a cat that had asthma and needed a pill every day. I would have the vet check for this and other respiratory illnesses. Heart worm and asthma present similar on x-rays so watch for this also. Good Luck
  5. maggie bancroft

    Has anyone had a bad reaction to Cheristin flea meds?

    I just started using Cherisitn 2 months ago and it has worked as promised. My vet gave it to me when my cat started having fleas even though he had stuff on him. What a nightmare that was but the Cheristin killed them all, I also sprayed the house with Nyguard from a site that I buy bug stuff...