Recent Content by mackimus

  1. mackimus

    Sunday's Question of the Day - Sept 21, 2014

    Rarely do I mail things nowadays. Its a shame because when i was younger I use to enjoy sending letters to friends who lived in other countries. Lately I've decided to pester a friend from time to time with a letter. We'll see how that goes.
  2. mackimus

    Sunday's Question of the Day - Aug 31, 2014

    A fear of heights. I'm sure many people have that one but I'm not so sure it happens when just standing on top of a table. Don't get me wrong, standing that high doesnt get me freaking out, but a part of my mind is all "crap, what am I doing up here?" You should see me climbing a ladder, it's...
  3. mackimus

    Sunday's Question of the Day - Aug 17, 2014

    [if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings></xml><![endif] I personally like my alarm sounding like a random sound. Something usually with a high pitch and a low pitch. Normally I like sleeping with music, but if I know that I’m waking up the next...
  4. mackimus

    Sunday's Question of the Day - Aug 10, 2014

    [if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:OfficeDocumentSettings> <o:AllowPNG/> </o:OfficeDocumentSettings></xml><![endif] I sadly only speak the English. I know a spattering of Portuguese but I could never speak it fluently enough. If I was to wish I could learn a language that would definitely be one of them...
  5. mackimus

    Sunday's Question of the Day - July 27 2014

    Hmm Hmm Hmm... I think i'd go with something simplistic myself. Maybe some chocolate ice cream, throw in some crushed oreo cookie, and maybe some sprinkles on top for just a hint of color lol. Only you pinky would get me wanting some ice cream for breakfast...
  6. mackimus

    Question of the Day: Sunday, June 1

    I'm hoping to wander over to Montreal for a weekend sometime in August. Its not a huge trip but it would be nice to get away for a bit. Over the last few years I've been feeling a big itch to go some place I've never been before, wander and get lost for awhile. Won't be this year but hopefully...
  7. mackimus

    Answer my question with a question

    Don't you think a good pirate outfit adds revenue to every aspect of life?
  8. mackimus

    Answer my question with a question

    Can i still wear the pirate outfit?
  9. mackimus

    Answer my question with a question

    Doesn't tipping a guy for orange juice sound a bit weird to you?
  10. mackimus

    Answer my question with a question

    You think they'll tip the orange juice guy?
  11. mackimus

    Answer my question with a question

    I have this terrifying feeling that with this job I won't be getting much sleep will I?
  12. mackimus

    Answer my question with a question

    May i be the baretender to said sketchy joint?
  13. mackimus

    Answer my question with a question

    are you saying you don't have a pirate outift?
  14. mackimus

    Answer my question with a question

    if we're starting a black market can i wear a pirate outfit?
  15. mackimus

    Answer my question with a question

    if we have extra marbles why aren't we just giving them to those who have lost theirs?