Recent Content by Lori Koop

  1. L

    Drooping tail, painful backside

  2. L

    Drooping tail, painful backside

    Yes, she's indoor/outdoor - there's a cat door for them. Predators possible and a feral male around that could be the culprit. I seem to remember hearing a catfight outside about a week ago. She's not old, but I adopted her as an adult, pregnant stray, so not really sure of her age. 6? maybe...
  3. L

    Drooping tail, painful backside

    i feed 2 of my other cats raw food, so that's what she'll get if she wants it
  4. L

    Drooping tail, painful backside

    Thank you for your reply. She's back in the house and in the bathroom, door closed. She's got water close by and I'll try to feed her some wet food, though she doesn't seem to be interested in food at all. I'll get her to the vet tomorrow as an emergency if there's no improvement today.
  5. L

    Drooping tail, painful backside

    Over the last week, Bella's tail has been drooping more. Now I can't touch her backside and she slinks out the door. Her best friend died on May 20, and I put her initial low behaviour to grief. Now, definitely not, and of course it's the weekend and all the vets are closed. Advice, please.