Recent Content by llsrvd

  1. L

    Has Anyone Had Luck With Nosorb?

    I just had my first experience with Nosorb. I was very skeptical that my cat would use an almost empty litter box. She does like to dig and the litter is always thrown out around the box! However, I put a clean box with a hand full of the Nosorb down right before a time I know she often pees...
  2. L

    Dry food only, suggestions?

    The fact that potato flakes/starch are listed as the second ingredients on the last 2 might make me stay way from those.
  3. L

    cat urine odor in closet walls?

    I'm new here so wasn't quite sure how to reply to all 3 answers at once.  Thank you all!  I have been wondering about mold.  The closet is on the North side of the house which never has sun beating on it.  So I fear ripping out the drywall may be the answer.  I think I will get a black light to...
  4. L

    cat urine odor in closet walls?

    I have a closet that seems to smell of urine.  It's not just on the floor or at cat height but all the way up the walls.  I don't think any of my cats peed in here.  The closet has always smelled funky since we moved here.  Is it possible for cat urine smell to infuse dry wall well out of...