Recent Content by lilbil

  1. lilbil

    Paranoid About Roundworms

    Will try gloves. Thank you!
  2. lilbil

    Paranoid About Roundworms

    Got it. Thank you!!
  3. lilbil

    Paranoid About Roundworms

    Got it. He definitely has Roundworms (confirmed by a vet). I just figured that cleaning things in the room might be similar to how you'd clean with ring worm? I could be wrong on that though. We've been keeping our hands clean. Thanks!
  4. lilbil

    Paranoid About Roundworms

    I'll check them out, thanks!!
  5. lilbil

    Paranoid About Roundworms

    Hi there, I'm new here and looking for more information on how Roundworms are spread to people, as our 14 week old Kitten was just diagnosed with Roundworms (picking his medication up today). We haven't seen any worms in his feces and he eats like a champ. We keep the litterbox clean but I'm...