Recent Content by Liapluridon

  1. Liapluridon

    Fancy Feast Naturals Vs Classic

    We tried the FF naturals, and both of our cats liked them just as much as the regular FF pate. Worth a try if you're on the fence!
  2. Liapluridon

    Post Your Cats On Your Bed

    I often wake up to Wiggles and Ginger posing on the end of the bed!
  3. Liapluridon

    A Discord Bot Based On My Cat

    I thought some folks around here might get a kick out of this. I've been working on some of my coding skills and this weekend I made a chat bot for Discord (a voice/chat client). I based the bot on - who else - my cat, Wiggles! The chat bot says Meow, will post a picture of my cats in...
  4. Liapluridon

    9 And 7 Month Old Kittens.

    When our kitties needed to lose some weight, what helped us was cutting out all dry food and going wet food only. If they're kittens though, I wouldn't worry about weight gain at this point. They need it. Our girls were older.
  5. Liapluridon

    Belly Problems!

    Hi ScarDex, just to get more of an idea about what's happening, can you list the foods that they've eaten which have caused stomach upset? Maybe we can figure out an ingredient they have in common. Has it been wet food or dry food?
  6. Liapluridon

    Nulo Cat Food

    I only avoid veggies because cats are carnivores, and veggies are sometimes added to cat food as a filler, or because humans think giving their cats veggies makes their diet balanced. Veggies can also sometimes make cat food high carb, which I avoid for our cats, as they had to lose weight in...
  7. Liapluridon

    Nulo Cat Food

    I tend to avoid foods with veggies in it (which Nulo has). I seem to recall though that Nulo is pretty low carb, which is a good thing. Most importantly though, if your cat likes it and eats it, it's a good food for them. :)
  8. Liapluridon

    Does Your Cat Have A Preference?

    Our cat Ginger will eat anything, but our cat Wiggles is quite picky. She tends to prefer shredded or chunky food (she has expensive tastes and prefers Tiki Cat and Weruva) but she'll also go on hunger strike if she's not getting enough variety. The things we do for our cats!
  9. Liapluridon

    Should You Rotate Brands You Feed Your Cat?

    I had never heard of lynx mixes before - thank you, that's very helpful! Wiggles does look like a cross between a tabby and a Siamese cat, and she's also very affectionate. :) Here's another picture of her on her favorite blanket: Thankfully she's been healthy (she's now 9 years old, was...
  10. Liapluridon

    Should You Rotate Brands You Feed Your Cat?

    I forgot to include though, that yes, she is the fussy one. :)
  11. Liapluridon

    Should You Rotate Brands You Feed Your Cat?

    I honestly don't know - our two girls were found on the side of the road by a family friend. She has a really interesting coat - when she was a baby she was mostly white with some grey markings, and as she's gotten older she's become more grey/brown. Very beautiful, but I have no idea what her...
  12. Liapluridon

    Should You Rotate Brands You Feed Your Cat?

    We feed multiple brands because one of our girls is fussy and if she has the same thing too many times in a row, she'll refuse to eat!
  13. Liapluridon

    Delivery Of Dented Cans

    For me, it depends on the location and severity of the dent. If it's near the lid or of course if there's any sign of leakage, I won't use it. If it's a slight dent in the side though (away from the top or bottom edge) then we will use it. We do the same for our people food cans too.
  14. Liapluridon

    Adopted A Scared Kitty A Month Ago. Should We Get His Brother Too?

    Our two girls are sisters, and they snuggle together every day!
  15. Liapluridon

    Adopted A Scared Kitty A Month Ago. Should We Get His Brother Too?

    Our two girls were found on the side of the road by a family friend. At first, we just adopted one of the kittens, and the family friend adopted the other. However, after about a week she realized the other kitten wouldn't get along with her cats, so we adopted the other kitten too. I'm so...