Recent Content by lemonboppyseed

  1. L

    Big Female Cat

    Aww thanks, I've always been kinda obsessed with her looks! She has very awkward proportions that make me joke she's actually built from spare parts she stole from other cats, but her colors are beautiful and I love large cats, they're the best to hug! Her brother is much smaller and sleeker...
  2. L

    Kitten Wakes Us Up Early Every Morning

    For most of the night when he's not bouncing off the walls, he happily sleeps near us and we definitely want him to keep doing that! I'll have to get myself in the habit of taking my earrings off before I fall asleep; it'll be weird because I don't take them out 99% of the time but I definitely...
  3. L

    Kitten Wakes Us Up Early Every Morning

    Lol, cat jumped onto my keyboard. He loves having the extra people around to play with him! When we can't be with him we usually try to leave nature videos or music on for him but that doesn't happen all that often currently.
  4. L

    Kitten Wakes Us Up Early Every Morning

    Unfortunately we're not in a situation where multiple pets are possible, but I'm job hunting at the moment and while it sucks not to have income at the moment, I am grateful that it means I can spend a lot of my day with him currently. We also have a few friends who visit frequently, and he...
  5. L

    Kitten Wakes Us Up Early Every Morning

    My partner and I adopted an adorable kitten about a month ago, who is now 14 weeks old. In general he is wonderfully behaved, but every morning around 5 or 6 he will decide it's play time and/or cuddle time and start doing some combination of the following: running in circles on the bed, kicking...
  6. L

    Big Female Cat

    So when I was 14, my family got two kittens from a classmate of mine whose family had probably around half a dozen adult cats, none of whom were fixed...We got a brother and sister, and when we first got them they were the same size, and for the first month or two we had them I was actually the...
  7. L

    Show Us The Whiskers

    Comet is 14 weeks old now and the whiskers above his eyes are so expressive I can't look at him without laughing