Recent Content by kmasden

  1. K

    Allergic to PEAS???

    Thanks for your informative reply - i really appreciate it. Especially the knowledge about the protien vs. the fat, that helps me sooo much to feel better about trying something with say salmon oil, even though the "panel" says she is allergic to you know if this would apply to...
  2. K

    Allergic to PEAS???

    Re; the waxy ears; a better word would probably be "congested" since her whole respiratory is affected, i think it's more about being swollen, etc. than waxy per se, (if that makes sense) and the minute she's done reacting she is fine, i don't notice any wax buildup, etc. I am wondering with...
  3. K

    Allergic to PEAS???

    Thanks for the continued comments regarding peas and the food recommendation (moonbunny). I did try her on one of the "Before Grain" foods (by Merrick) which was 95% turkey, to which she is not supposed to be allergic. Weirdly enough, she reacted to it. I know that "salmon oil" and things of...
  4. K

    Allergic to PEAS???

    I would love to know if anyone has found any good allergy pet food (not too spendy) that does not contain peas? My cat is allergic to fish, chicken, duck, yeast, oats, milk, rice, pork, lamb, potatoes, peas and barley (according to her panel) and reacts even to the highly allergen free Hills...