Recent Content by kjr8

  1. K

    Bengal cat versus tabby

    His name is Grimalkin but I'm thinking of changing it to the Grim Reaper (he brough me a rabbit and a ground squirrel this morning). I don't know if this is a Bengal trait but he is obsessed with the bathroom especially the toilet and insists on sitting on my lap of I use it. I know he is not...
  2. Bengal cat versus tabby

    Bengal cat versus tabby

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  5. K

    Bengal cat versus tabby

    I recently got a lovely cat at the pound that I thought was a DS Tabby but I am starting to have some doubts about that. He is a lovely cat don't get me wrong but some of his habits are a mite peculiar He can wake up everyone in the house with his high pitch screeching yowl, he has killed...