Recent Content by kittylover93

  1. K

    my kitty passed and other is depressed. help!!!!!

    And I usually put the kitten in the carrier cage we have and let our tabby notice him on his own. But here lately I've been just letting them run free in the house together while I supervise. My tabby spends most of his day outside and we bring him in at night and the kitten isn't old enough to...
  2. K

    my kitty passed and other is depressed. help!!!!!

    Thank you so much. The cats actually got close enough to sniff each other out today, but then the tabby hissed again. It's progress though. I will follow the tips you gave me. My tabby has cheered up a little also and he is starting to play a bit more, and I think he may of found a lady friend haha.
  3. K

    You were too young..

    I lost my kitty as well last Wednesday. I miss him so much. He got hit by a car. Just remember that they are happier now than they ever were. They have only left their furry little bodies and moved on to the next chapter. I am very sorry for your loss.
  4. K

    my kitty passed and other is depressed. help!!!!!

    I got a kitten about a year and a half ago. He was a stray tom cat. Very wild and playful. He was running wild all over our house so we decided to get another kitten that he could play with. We got an orange tabby. They bonded instantly and were best friends (the tabby and the tom cat are only 6...