Recent Content by kittykatcrazy

  1. kittykatcrazy

    Hello From Croe And I!

    Thank you! And so does she :lol: She will curl up on just about anything that is pink
  2. kittykatcrazy

    Black Cats Only

    Ah! This is the cutest thread! Black cats are the sweetest little things :) Croe here particularly enjoys napping in places she shouldn't and talking to anyone who enters the room
  3. kittykatcrazy

    Hello From Croe And I!

    I technically joined this site ages ago, but only started posting last Friday because I was worried about my cat, Croe. Thankfully she is back to her normal happy self, and I suppose I'm here to stay!
  4. kittykatcrazy

    Cat's Jaw Seems To Be Dislocated...

    Croe has come home safe and sound, turns out her jaw was dislocated in a strange place and the vet failed to notice it. He corrected it and only charged us for the fixing of her jaw and not the x-rays and sedation! All is well and she is currently curled up on my bed sleeping away. Thank you all...
  5. kittykatcrazy

    Cat's Jaw Seems To Be Dislocated...

    Quick update on her. My mom has agreed to work out a payment plan with the vet because Croe, despite still not being able to close her mouth fully, has mostly returned back to normal and is able to eat and drink on her own. So putting her down is no longer being talked about unless she somehow...
  6. kittykatcrazy

    Cat's Jaw Seems To Be Dislocated...

    She's rather reluctant to move too much, but after getting her to follow me around the house there's no sign of dizziness or anything that could suggest an ear infection. And outside of sleeping more than usual the only thing wrong is her jaw still.
  7. kittykatcrazy

    Cat's Jaw Seems To Be Dislocated...

    Thank you so much! I need to discuss some of the payment options with her, but I think we might be able to work something out :)
  8. kittykatcrazy

    Cat's Jaw Seems To Be Dislocated...

    Hello, so my cat came home yesterday afternoon drooling, jaw out of alignment, and had a few scratches on her. I took her to the vet this afternoon and after doing an x-ray they couldn't find any sign if dislocations or fracture even though by looking at her you could tell something was off...